Success Story

Reconstruction and renovation of a retrofit reverse osmosis plant in Germany

Conversion and renovation of an existing reverse osmosis plant, essentially replacement of old plant components and renewal of the control technology, additional construction of a new RO line and new technology for the RO lines. Retrofit reverse osmosis plant R34 in Germany

The water treatment plant for the pre-treatment of well water

The company of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry operates a water treatment plant at its site in Germany for the pretreatment of well water for further use and treatment as process water (deionised water). The water treatment plant was built by Preussag Noell AG in 1989 and has been in operation since then.

Our Solution

The plant had to be modernised (retrofit) in order to guarantee economic and reliable operation in the long term, taking into account the current technical state of the art. Complete automation is also planned. Preliminary study, planning and turnkey retrofit will be carried out under the leadership of PWT Wasser- und Abwassertechnik GmbH.

Elektro-, Mess-­, Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik


  • Expertise in electrical engineering and automation (Siemens Solution Partner)
  • Implementation during "running operation" without interruption of power supply
  • All services from one source (procurement, planning, commissioning)
  • Expertise in the field of process water
  • Efficient planning with integrated software


Technical data

Technical data
100 m3/h
Inlet filtrate
80 m3/h
20 m3/h
20 %
Supply pressure at 10°C
10,8 bar
0 years
11,2 bar
5 years
Residual salt content product at 10°C
1,7 mg/l
0 years
2,2 mg/l
5 years
Conductivity Product 0 years at 10°C/25°C
3,9/6,1 µS/cm
0 years
4,5/7,0 µS/cm
5 years
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