Success Story

AVES Production Plant for Oil - Design and Construction of a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Mersin - Turkey

Aves Enerji Yağ ve Gıda San. A.Ş - Mersin - Turkey
Design and construction of a wastewater treatment plant for the production of edible oil (on-site construction measures) in Mersin - Turkey

Planning and construction

Design would be done according to different kinds of vegetable oil production waste water. Site sampling, analyzing and modelling executed for proper solutions and final efficient design.

PWT solution

After site sampling from each different production waste water, depending on analysis and modelling, PWT offered a new design to comply with discharge limits.

Precipitation, flocculation, sedimentation
Activated sludge process

Aves, Turkey


After completion and start up of the new wwtp

  • Aves Oil factory can comply with discharge limits. Instead of getting penalty from local authorities.
  • Aves reduced their chemical comsumption.
  •  Aves can process fat acids (produces very high polutants.for e.g. COD : 25.000 mg/lt) in their factory  which gains them additional profit from its sales.

Technical data

Raw water intake
600 m3/day
Daily inflow Qd
Average values for pollutant intake
15,000 mg/l
300 mg/l
2,000 mg/l

Main process units

  • Equalizing tank and pumping station
  • DAF unit
  • Chemical preparation and dosing systems (on-site)
  • Sedimentation, activated sludge and final sedimentation tanks
    Sludge dewatering systems (on-site)
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