PWT Solutions

From plant construction to operational management: Solutions for public clients

PWT is one of the leading general contractors for the planning, implementation and operation of drinking water, wastewater and groundwater treatment plants for public clients.

PWT develops and implements engineered solutions for new buildings and rehabilitation measures - according to the requirements and needs of the client.

Your advantages with PWT

  • All water is treated: Drinking Water - Waste Water - Polluted groundwater.
  • All forms of contracting are possible: conventional tendering, functional tendering, and operator models.
  • Planning knowledge and professional and specialized project managers for turn-key plants, including conventional tendering.
  • Planning process control engineering, programming automation and other services for the digital future (Water 4.0) directly from our company, from our employees and not from subcontractors.

The right process combination for your water, your sludge and your groundwater damage case

No matter what the task is, our engineers can plan any combination of processes to treat drinking water, wastewater or polluted groundwater, as well as also treating sludge and exhaust air. With a team of qualified project managers, industrial workers and sub-contractors, PWT turns these processes into a real plant. Draft a tender offer - PWT does the rest.

With more than 50 years’ of experience with public clients in the Rhine-Main region, Germany and in international business, PWT gives you the certainty of owning an efficient, easy-to-operate and durable plant. PWT’s experts are daily challenged by the removal of trace substances from drinking water, the drying of sewage sludge or the removal of chlorinated hydrocarbons from the groundwater under difficult conditions. Our experts have undergone extensive training and are equipped to deliver on the future requirements of your drinking water and waste water plants. You can talk to us anytime about the fourth treatment stage for your existing wastewater treatment plant.

Samsun, the largest city in the Black Sea region of Turkey: The sewage treatment plant has contributed to decisive improvements in the water supply.

PWT as a plant constructor - also in the construction team

PWT works closely with its clients. You benefit from our experience as a planning general contractor for turn-key plants, even if we "only" act as plant constructors and implement your planning. We will be glad to integrate ourselves into a construction team in which planners, contractors of all trades and you, as the end customer, jointly realize your project and make sure that budget overruns and lengthy project delays are avoided.

Digital Solutions - Automation and Water 4.0

On the way to digitizing your everyday working life - also known as Water 4.0 or Industry 4.0 - we can support you with our digital solutions so that you can operate your plant efficiently and safely while also making it future-proof.

PRAMOS® is an integrated, mobile, digital business management system. It provides the user with all data required for the fulfilment of their tasks, digitally and mobile, anywhere and at any time. This means that paper folders for maintenance instructions and endless lists for maintenance documentation are a thing of the past. With an explosion-proof tablet in your hand and a server in the background, you prepare and document maintenance and instructions in occupational safety. Municipal operators are just beginning to digitize their system inventory and maintenance - with our help you can be one of the first and not the last.

PRAMOS® in combination with the planning tool COMOS® or with the extended maintenance tool of COMOS®, PWT as Siemens System Partner offers the continuous integration of planning, preparation of documentation and IT-supported maintenance in the field of water treatment and wastewater treatment.

PWT's portfolio also includes all services in classic automation technology - including the migration and renewal of process control systems and PLCs. We support any platform and are a certified Siemens Solution Partner.

Application for public-sector clients

We are pleased to support you in the following areas:

Other PWT Services

PWT offers you solutions for every water problem. Get to know our other services here!

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