The province of Samsun is located at the Turkish Black Sea coast and is one of the largest in the region with a centralized sewerage system. The population in the eastern part of the province is approx. 600,000. However, most of the sewage produced in Samsun was being discharged into the sea.
The joint venture of PWT-Alke-Alkatas was awarded the contract for the turnkey construction of the first advanced wastewater treatment plant in the Black Sea region.
PWT solution
The plant is designed as an activated sludge process including extended aeration and removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. It fully meets the requirements of the effluent discharge criteria of Directive 91/271/EEC for sensitive areas.
Mechanical treatment includes coarse and fine screens with screenings press, aerated grit and grease removal.
Biological treatment includes anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic tanks and final clarifiers.
Sludge treatment includes mechanical thickening and dewatering of the aerobically stabilized sludge using drums and centrifuges. The dewatered sludge is conditioned through the addition of lime to reach a dry solids (DS) content of up to 35%.
The treated water is being discharged – via a deep sea outfall (DSO) – into the Black Sea.
In 2014, the plant started to treat wastewater up to a daily average flow of 105,000 m³/d.